Meet Jamie Lee!

Jamie Lee's broadcast career spans four decades of Television and Radio, dating back to the 1970's, in New York City, on Sesame Street.  

Since then, Jamie has hosted TV and Radio shows from Tallahassee, to Tucson, Miami, New York City, and around the globe. 

In addition to receiving the New York City AIR Award for Best Evening Show, Jamie Lee is a world-renowned Voice-Over artist. You’ve heard her voice on literally thousands of National TV and Radio commercials, Video Games, Instructional Videos, Cartoons, Promos, and Imaging. Think of the voices of Clairol Herbal Essences,  Advil, Kmart, Febreze, Huggies, Vh1, The Montel Williams Show, those are all Jamie Lee. She's also the voice of iHeart Media's WOR Radio. Jamie Lee recently spent seven years as TVLand’s Host of “The 100 Best Places You’ve Never Been.”  

Over the years, she has become a Certified Hypnotherapist, and multi-level internationally certified yoga and meditation educator, as featured on NBC’s Today Show. 

Jamie Lee has a Hypnotherapy and Wellness practice on 5th Avenue, and still teaches yoga and meditation. Additionally, she combines broadcast and hypnosis by heading up marketing and media campaigns for corporations. 

Jamie's also a single mom, living on the Upper West Side. She especially likes reading really short bios.

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